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Trademark Protection Upon Severing Contract


The franchiser, [Name of the franchiser], and the franchisee, [Name of the franchisee], as set forth in their franchise agreement on [Date of the agreement] and as witnessed by [Name of the witness], have agreed to the following additional terms and conditions:

If and when franchisee decides to end contractual agreement, any and all distinct identification of franchise must be removed from franchisees location as soon as possible. This includes trademarked logo, words associated with trademark, any motifs, franchises colors, any materials, equipment, sales brochures, and marketing materials that re and can be associated with franchise trademark or trademarks.

The franchiser, in the case that the franchisee does not remove the above mentioned from premise in the following amount of time [Grace period], after termination of contract, will be permitted without any franchisees notification, to perform above tasks and charge any fees to perform such tasks to the franchisee.

Franchiser Dated

Franchisee Dated

Witness Dated

Witness Dated